
The Weekend Update ...

Okay, so I am completely horrid at the whole blog thing. Mainly due to the fact that my life is generally uninteristing to anyone but myself or my relatives. And even then, there's not a whole lot of "OhMyGodIJustHaveToTellTheWorld" going on. In lieu of something interesting, I bring you ...

The Weekend Update

Saturday rolls about, and was spent doing housework to kick off the day. See! Told you it was uneventful. Had my weekly Flag Football game, against the #1 ranked team in the league. As a team, we won. As a team, we nearly lost, too. Eh ...a win is a win. That night, went and played poker.

Lost. Badly. But not as bad as most. At least I got to drink a bit, and see some friends that I was sorely missing.

Sunday was spent once again on the house, (See a recurring theme? Thought so.) got a badly-needed haircut, (which the wife finally approves of) went to the park with the wife and kids, and met up with the Mother-In-Law there so that she could hang out and play with the rugrats in their "natural habitat".

Oh, and then I slept. Exciting, No?

:: My mood meter reads -- Looking for the exit ...


In related news ...

My little software company, which is firmly in bed with lots of storage vendors, is at CeBIT 2005. The good part -- We are (IMHO) the best ILM solution by far. The bad part -- The European contingent doesn't have Sarbarnes-Oxley, HIPAA, et cetera ... companies on that side of the pond could care less about regulatory compliance ... it simply doesn't exist.

Why is that bad? Half of our product is compliance-centric. Oops.

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