
Police Officer Nels (Dan) Niemi

Police Officer Nels (Dan) Niemi
San Leandro Police Department
Monday, July 25, 2005


Dan -

It has taken me this long to actually work up the internal fortitude to write. In the 7 years that I knew you, we had a very unique ride. First, meeting you and Dionne via my wife ...funny how the girls paired off, while you and I talked planes, computers, and other miscellany.

Then in the following years, our weekend chess matches (where you regularly handed me my hat), some things like Mission City Coffee, the constant refills, and a King's Gambit will always trigger memories...

The late nights at your apartment in Campbell, working on your home computers, while you hung on every word, watched every screw turn, asked a bazillion questions ...pal, you never had to provide the coffee and pizza as payment, your company and desire to learn were all the recompense that I could ever have wanted.

Your quickness of uptake in tech rolled itself into my getting to hire you into the IT arena, working with me every day. The ideas, reflections, and good times shared at our Friday lunch over at Chevy's made the whole week of putting out network fires well worth it.

Once our IT paths parted, and you went into Law Enforcement, we saw less of each other, but we still tried to get together once a month, for lunch, coffee, or pretty much any excuse to get out of the office. I loved hearing about some of the things you were doing, and can't tell you how much I enjoyed giving you even more tech knowledge to help in whatever capacity I could.

I'll miss you forever, and count myself blessed to have been your friend.

:: On the Radio -- The Offspring - Gone Away

:: My mood meter reads -- Blue ...

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