Finally, the week from hell is over.
I'm feeling particularly proud of myself this evening, as today I was able to resolve an issue that no one, not even the developers, could. I won't grind out the technobabble, but suffice to say that there was a massive degree of difficulty in it.
This culminates a week of issue after issue, distraction after distraction, and deadline after deadline. At least I can sleep better at night now. Or, more precisely, should be able to sleep better at night.
On the homefront, the lovely wife is out doing the dancing thing, watching my brother's band play. I'm on kidwatch, with the boy. The girl is staying the night with her maternal grandmother ...and damn but it feels good knowing that she won't be waking up the household at 3:00AM just to get a drink of water.
My 6-year wedding anniversary is Sunday (May 29th). I have no cash, no clue what to do, and no way to plan to go out and do anything, as any plans I make will invariably conflict with the wife's plans.
At least we both have Monday off, as everyone else does Memorial Day Monday. The neat part of that? The kids will be at daycare (not closed!) until 3:00PM, leaving the wife and I most of a day together to reminisce on the days before children, and to get in some much-needed adult conversation time.
I'm thinking Movie Date ...we both want to go see Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. On the flipside, we both have heard that it was a total Bush-bash ...I'll wait until I see it to believe it. Please, Lucas, say it ain't so ...f-ing liberals.

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